What Our Clients Say.....

"Thanks again for your quality and professionalism. We get many compliments on our fence..."

"Thanks for your prompt service. The gate is perfect!"

"What an absolutely beautiful fence! I could not be more pleased with the outcome of your hard work, patience and persistence. The workmanship, alignment, level, detailing and finish are all equally excellent."

"Thanks so much! It was such a surprise to see it finished when I returned home and it looks fantastic. I can't tell you how great it is to work with a company that is so professional and detail-oriented."

"Thanks for an excellent job. You can use me as a reference anytime."

"Thanks so much. I LOVE the work Enrique did!"

"I must say, your fences are quite beautiful; really a cut above what we see even on the Northshore. One neighbor commented that the fence looked like a nice piece of furniture. We are very happy we worked with you rather than one of your less expensive (but far less beautifully crafted) competitors."

"The fence turned out great! We are enjoying our backyard so much more..."

"Thank you Aimee. We are very happy with our fence. You have a great crew."


"Thanks for all you do for our gardens...you make us look like superstars!"

"It is the most beautiful fence I have ever seen! We LOVE it!"

"Thank you!! If every company did business like Post & Picket, the world would be a happier place!"


"The repair work is fantastic! The gate looks rock solid and the posts seem so much more stable than before. Using the gate is a delight!"

"I appreciate your professionalism and that of your crews. I would be happy to highly recommend you."

"One word...gorgeous! The fence turned out beautifully. Our yard looks great."

"Yesterday I saw the finished fence for the first time. It looks great-another example of P&P's fine craftsmanship!"

"The fence looks great! My neighbor complimented me today for choosing the correct company!"